Equation | (# participants) x (% impact of program on test scores) x ($ average lifetime earnings) |
Explanation | This metric estimates the impact of different types of educational interventions that impact test scores on lifetime earnings. Number of participating children: Reported by program. Impact of program on test scores: Estimated by Constellation’s staff using program data on improvement in test scores. If no outcome data is available, we look for evidence of the effectiveness of the specific program model. Impact of improved test scores on earnings: [10% per 1.0 effect size increase in test score] from Krueger, A.B. (2003); Levin, H., et al. (2007). We use the standard deviation of the average score on the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment Series 3 reading test (Reading MCA-III Test) of low-income children in Minneapolis [1.9] as a proxy for effect size (Minnesota Department of Education, 2018). The estimated impact of parenting on test scores and earnings is: High-impact programs |
References | Levin, H. M., Belfield, C., Muennig, P. A., & Rouse, C. (2007). The costs and benefits of an excellent education for all of America’s children. Krueger, A. B. (2003). Economic considerations and class size. The Economic Journal, 113(485), F34-F63. Minnesota Department of Education. (2018). Subscore report. Retrieved from http://w20.education.state.mn.us/MDEAnalytics/DataTopic.jsp?TOPICID=31 using the following search criteria: District: Minneapolis School District; School: All Schools; Test: MCA-III; Year: 2017; Grade: 3; Gender: All Students; Race/Ethnicity: All Students; Category: Free/Reduced Priced Lunch. U.S. Census Bureau. (2016). American Community Survey 5-year estimates – public use microdata sample, 2012-2016. Generated using Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA) in the Seven-county Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. |